Rabu, 20 Desember 2017

SOAL PTS KELAS 8 2017/2018

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Jl. Raya Karangdinoyo No. 459 Sumberrejo  Telp. 08113109775


Mata Pelajaran              : Bahasa Inggris                                    Hari/Tanggal      :             September 2017
Kelas                            : VIII ( delapan)                                      Waktu               : 09.30 – 10.30  WIB     
I. Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d !
1.       Budi           : Excuse me, sir. May I go to toilet !
Teacher      : Yes, please.
The underlines expression shows....
a. ask attention       b. Give attention           c. Refush attention                    d. Respond attention

2.       Teacher      : Attention, please. Are you ready Mid semester ?
Student      :  Yes, sir.
The underlines expression shows....
a.       ask attention     b. Give attention              c. Refush attention                     d. Respond attention                    
3.       Ainun        :  ......... about our school  ?
Yuni          : I think our school is clean and fresh
a. What do you do                                      c. How do you do                    
b. What do you think                                  d. What does you think
4.       Heru          : What is your opinion  about my new bag ?
       Iwan          : ....................your bag is good style.
a.       I like                b. In my opinion           c. Excuse me                            d. I hope
5.       Inna           : Is father coming home today ?
Mother       : I expect he will come back soon.
The underlines expression shows....
a.   a hope               b. ability                       c. willing                                  d.  attention

6.       Rahma       : I am going to wear this cloth at party. What do you think ?
Ovi            : That’s fine.
The underlines expression shows....
a.       Agreement       b, disagreement            c. Pleasure                                d. surprise

7.       Udin          : Hasan, will you help me to take that book ?
Hasan        : .....................I am busy
a. sure                    b. I am sorry                 c. Of course                              d. all right
8.       Dita            : Can you drive the motor cycle Megi ?
Megi          : yes I can.
The underline word expressing about ?
a. Opinion              b. willing                      c. attention                               d. ability
9.   Mother       : Where..... you go tomorrow with your friend ?
Nisa           : I will go Anis’s home to discus about our homework
a. will                     b. can                           c. do                                         d. go
10. Hadi           : I have ten books. I put ......books in the bag.
      Budi           : you are right
a.     His                   b. Your                        c. My                                       d. their
11. Amir          : how many brother do you have, Adi ?
      Adi             : I have two brothers. ....... Iwan and Yudi
a.       This                   b. These                       c. That                                      d. those
12. Teacher      : Please, clean the whiteboard Erna ?
Erna           : All right, sir
The underlines expression shows....
      a. give instruction               b. Respond instruction              c. give prohibition        d. Respond prohibition

 13. Roni          : Don’t speak too loud ! there is Mid semester
       Hanan       : okey.
       The  dialoque obove shows expression about....
     a. give instruction                b. Respond instruction              c. give prohibition        d. Respond prohibition

14. Teacher      : Don’t be noisy student ?
Student      : Yes , sir
The underlines expression shows....
a. give instruction               b. Respond instruction              c. give prohibition        d. Respond prohibition

15. Student       : I am sorrry, sir. May I go to library ?   
      Teacher      : Yes , please.
      The underlines expression shows....
      a. give instruction               b. Respond instruction              c. Ask permission         d. Give permission

16. Student       : I am sorrry, sir. May I go to library ?   
      Teacher      : Yes , please.
      The underlines expression shows....
      a. give instruction               b. Respond instruction              c. Ask permission         d. Give permission

Text for question no.17 to 18

Text Box: 17. Where will the graduation party be held?
 a .At OSIS room                c.At Nusantara school.
 b. On Sudirman street      .d. At Art room Pramesti Hotel.
18. How long is the graduation party carried out?
 a.  2 hours.           c. 9 hours.
            b.  5 hours            d.  11 hours
Rectangle: Folded Corner: All of Students Grade 9
You are invited to:
Day/Date : Saturday, the fifteenth of July 2017
Time : 09 a.m. – 02 p.m.
Venue : Art Room Pramesti Hotel BJN

Come and help us celebrate it
                        Invitation card available at OSIS

Text for question no.19 to 20
     Dear Iwan,
          Congratulation on your sucsess as a new general manager.I wish all the best for your career.
19.  What is the kind of the text ?                                                      . .   .                                                                      
       a.invitationcard                      b. Greeting card                         c. Message                          d. letter                  
20.. I wish all the best for your career. The word “I” refers to...
       a. Manager                            b.Tasya                                        c.Doni                   d. You                                   

Read the text to answer questions !

Dear parents,
You are invited to attend sa meeting to discuss the result of your children’s evaluation and prepare them for the upcoming national examination.
                        Date    : Friday, 29 th Septemberr2017
                        Time    : 08.00-10.00 a.m.
                        Place   : The Hall room SMPN 2 Sumberrejo
Please make sure to participate in this meeting. It is very important.



1.       Why does the principal invite the parents to the meeting ?
2.       Where will the meeting be held ?
3.       How long is the meeting held ?
4.       What calss is invited this meeting ?
5.       Please make sure to participate in this meeting. It is very important
The word “ It’ refers to.....?


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