Text procedure “How To Make Tempura”

- Plain
flour: 100g (1Cup) *
- Egg: 1
- Cold
water: 200cc (1Cup) *
- Baking
Soda: 1 tea spoon
- Potato
Starch: 2 table spoon
- Your
choice of vegetables, sea foods and mushrooms such as potato, sweet
potato, aubergine (eggplant), zucchini (courgette), onion, capsicum
(paprika), pumpkin, green beans, carrot, okura, asparagus, prawn, white
fish and squid.
- Oil
(Natane oil, sunflower, corn or canola oil)
*1cup =200cc
Make Tempura batter
- Mix
Plain flour, baking soda and potato starch together. And then sift
mixed flour as preparation.
- Crack
an egg into the bowl and beat it roughly. Add the cold water and mix them.
- Put 1/3
mixed flour in to egg mixture and gently mix. Long cooking chop sticks are
the best utensil for mixing tempura batter. If you do not have them, use a
fork instead.
- Then
add an additional 1/3 flour and mix.
- And
finally add the last 1/3 flour and mix.
- Important:
Lumps in the flour is completely fine. Do not mix it too much as you
will get a lot of gluten which makes it heavy and un-crispy tempura
Prepare ingredients
Use the freshest ingredients you can find and cut them into pieces of same
size to avoid an uneven cook.
Root vegetables (potato, carrot, sweet potato) and pumpkins are sliced 1cm.
Prawn‘s preparation
- Take
off the head and shell, but keep the tail.
- Remove
the sand vein.
- Scrape
the tail to stop the oil spitting when you fry it.
- Half
cut the abdomen side every 1cm.
- Then
push back side to abdomen side by fingers.
How to fry Tempura
Put oil into a flying pan.
Heat up the frying oil to 170 degrees. You can check the oil
temperature without a thermometer. Put one drop of tempura batter into the oil.
If the tempura batter sinks the bottom of flying pan, it is too low
If the tempura batter did not sink at all and the batter spread
quickly with a crackling sound the it is too high temperature.
Best temperature condition is the drop of tempura batter will sink
half way in flying pan then float.
Puts vegetable into the tempura batter bowl to coat them with
tempura batter then carefully put them to the oil. Fry one side and then turn
over and fry the other side.

Recipe to
makes tender and Native Pasture beef Rendang
1 kg of beef, cut size according to
3 Old coconut fruit, make thick
coconut milk
15 grains of red onion
8 garlic cloves
1 ounce red pepper (kriting)
2 cm Ginger
2 cm galangal memarkan
1 teaspoon pepper powder
2 stalks Lemongrass geprek in advance
2 seed sour kandis
2 Flowers pekak
3 pieces of Orange Leaves
4 pieces of bay leaf
1 turmeric Leaf sheet
Granulated sugar
Supplementary materials
Coconut serundeng already roasted
peanuts for the first
ounce diced beef liver is small then the stew
How To Make Beef
Rendang Padang
- Puree the first red
and white onions, chilli, ginger and galangal
- Start ungkep beef is
already cut into pieces with spice paste, wait until
the ber steam andungkepan meatdry.
- Input
the thick coconut milk, Lemongrass, pepper powder,
sour floral, kandis pekak, lime leaves, bay leaf, salt
and sugar, then stir until evenly, do not forget
the turmeric leaves also butRIP–RIP terlebihdahulu
- Wait
until the coconut milk to a boil, and slightly pull
out the oil, then reduce the heat
- Combine
the complementary ingredients into beef
rendang then stir again until evenly
- Try
to keep on stirring–stirring so that
it doesn’t stick to the Pan beef rendang, wait
until it dries up anddiscolored rendang
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